A Good Quality Puppy Food: You get what you pay for with pet foods, so don’t be afraid to spend a little more to get a name brand. Brands like Iams, Innova, Science Diet, Wellness, Canidae and Natural Balance are a few good choices.
Stainless Steel or Ceramic Food and Water Bowls: Try to find bowls that cannot easily be tipped over. Some stainless bowls have rubber on the bottom to prevent sliding. The weight of the ceramic bowl is good to prevent tipping, but if it chips or cracks, be sure to replace it. Bacteria will breed in the cracks and your puppy could be injured from sharp edges or small pieces breaking off.
A Crate: Make sure that it is large enough for your puppy to stand comfortably, lay down and turn around. Keep in mind that your puppy will be growing quickly. If you travel, make sure your crate is airline-approved. You should also provide soft, comfortable bedding whether you choose to have a crate or not.
A Leash and Collar: The collar should not slide easily over the head. Try to allow for one finger to fit between the collar and neck. A short leash (about four feet) will be best for the puppy because it gives you more control. Be sure to check the collar’s fit every week as the puppy grows and adjust it or buy a larger size if necessary. Consider a Halti or Gentle Leader for a mouthy puppy.
Cleanup Supplies: Puppies are bound to have accidents and make messes in the house. You’ll want to make sure to have things like stain and odor remover, paper towels and lint brushes on hand. Make sure the cleaners you use in your home are safe to use with pets in the house and always make sure they are kept out of the puppy’s reach. A brand we recommend is Natures Miracle.
Brushes and Combs: Some breeds require more grooming than others, but all dogs should be brushed and combed to prevent matting and keep shedding and dandruff under control.
Mild Shampoo: Most dogs should not be bathed more than every 2 weeks but puppies may need to be cleaned more often because of accidents or messes. Make sure that the shampoo you use is safe for the age of your puppy.
Toys: Toys are not only a treat for your puppy, they are a necessity! Puppies need things to chew on. Never buy anything too hard that can break teeth. All toys need some “give” to them. Try to rotate the toys so your puppy doesn’t grow bored with them and chew your furniture or shoes.